Know what scales. From day 1.

Know what scales. From day 1.

Know what scales. From day 1.


Most popular

Great for founders and small teams

$49 / mo

Layup attribution platform that includes our Chrome extension and site fingerprinting services

Frictionless content attribution everywhere you post

Unlimited Layup links

Post analytics


Built for B2B attribution at scale


Everything in growth plus:

Access to beta features

Attribution custom-built for every marketing channel your team uses

Cross-team functionality

De-anonymization of site visitors

Scale marketing with attribution

Scale marketing with attribution

Scale marketing with attribution

What is Layup?

How does Layup work?

I'm in! What do I need to do to set it up?

What browsers do you support?

When will I begin to see results?

Is Layup suitable for my business?

What is Layup?

How does Layup work?

I'm in! What do I need to do to set it up?

What browsers do you support?

When will I begin to see results?

Is Layup suitable for my business?

What is Layup?

How does Layup work?

I'm in! What do I need to do to set it up?

What browsers do you support?

When will I begin to see results?

Is Layup suitable for my business?










the impact of marketing with Layup

Take control of your channels, campaigns, and budget with one intelligent place to understand and act on it all

Measure, manage and maximize marketing with Layup

Take control of your channels, campaigns, and budget with one intelligent place to understand and act on it all